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Getting Started

After you installed this package, the next step is to import the package into your code and start using the functions.

from botcity.plugins.crawler import BotCrawlerPlugin

As a demonstration of the library, let's build a simple example together that will make a request to BotCity's Youtube channel and fetch the number of subscribers.

Making the request

To make the request you must use the request method which takes as an argument a URL.

# Instantiate the plugin and enable JavaScript
crawler = BotCrawlerPlugin(javascript_enabled=True)

url = ""

# Make the request
html = crawler.request(url)

Locating the element

Looking into the page source we can notice that the element holding the subscribers information has the attribute id as subscriber-count.

Based on that we can use the get_element_by_id from the HTML object and finally read its value.

Here is how we do it:

# This sets the current element on the HTML object to the one found

# Read the value into the subscribers variable
subscribers = html.value()

Complete code

Let's take a look into the complete code:

# Import the plugin
from botcity.plugins.crawler import BotCrawlerPlugin

# Instantiate the plugin and enable JavaScript
crawler = BotCrawlerPlugin(javascript_enabled=True)

url = ""

# Make the request
html = crawler.request(url)

# This sets the current element on the HTML object to the one found

# Read the value into the subscribers variable
subscribers = html.value()

Pro Tip

This plugin allow you to use method chaining so the code above could be written as:

from botcity.plugins.crawler import BotCrawlerPlugin
url = ""
id = "subscriber-count"
subscribers = BotCrawlerPlugin(True).request(url).get_element_by_id(id).value()

Next Steps

Check our examples and experiment with the API. Let us know where it can be improved.

Have fun automating!

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