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Creating a new Project using Cookiecutter

python -m cookiecutter

When running this command you will be prompted for the following information:


bot_id value must match the Bot label configured on BotMaestro if using the integration.

  • project_type: This will define which bot template is generated. The options are Desktop, Web, Both or Custom.

    • Select Desktop for general Desktop or non-headless Web automations.
    • Select Web if your automation involve only websites.
    • Select Both if your automation involves a mix.
    • Select Custom if you would like to add your own libraries or create an automation using only BotCity plugins.
  • bot_id: This will be the name of your Python module. It can only contain letters (a-z or A-Z), underscore (_) and must end with a letter (a-z or A-Z).

  • project_name: This is the name of the project. You can pick any name you would like.

  • project_short_description: This is a short description of the bot.

Over the next chapter we will explore the package and guide you on the most common operations to be executed.